Processing (My Intro. Workshop and Reference)
How Digital Video Works
Audio-visual Works
David A. Cook, Robert Sklar - History of the Motion Picture
Kristin Thompson, David Bordwell - Film History: An Introduction
Kate Horsfield - Busting the Tube: A Brief History of Video Art
Tom Sherman - The Nine Lives of Video Art
Pat Aufderheide - Music Videos: The Look of the Sound
Michel Chion - Audio-Vision
Interviews from Designing Sound (online resource)
Maria Donata Napoli - Short Review of The Relationship Between Video, Music, and Art
Holly Willis - New Digital Cinema: Reinventing the Moving Image
Stephen Cavalier - The World History of Animation
Casey Reas, Ben Fry - Getting Started with Processing
Nicholas Cook - Analyzing Musical Multimedia
Eduardo Miranda, Marcelo Wanderley - New Digital Musical Instruments
Kathleen Maloney - Sounding Images and Imaging Sounds
Claire Bishop - The Anachronic Time(s) of Installation Art
Michael J. Lyons, Alexander Jensenius - A NIME Reader
Steve Reich - Music as a Gradual Process
Erika Suderburg - Space, Site, Intervention: Situating Installation Art