What is Digital Interactivity?
A device that picks up signal from the real world which may then be turned into digital data via Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Examples: Microphones, Video Cameras, Control Surfaces, Motion-Tracking Systems
A process of preparing raw, recently digitized physical input in order to map it
Examples: Scaling, Smoothing, Filtering, Event Detection, Segmentation, Feature Extraction
A designed/composed connection between the prepared physical input and the media engine, at micro (gesture), meso (phrase), and macro (formal) levels
Simple: microphone input volume mapped to audio file playback volume; video camera movement mapped to different audio files
Complex: different live oboe melodic fragments being mapped to a set of effect parameters and spatialization trajectories depending on current section of piece; locations of a performer's ten fingers / how hard they're squeezing being mapped to five in-series sound processing effects
A live, responsive media generator/processor (in the digital and/or analog world)
Examples: A set of prepared audio files triggered live, a system of effects applied to live input, a set of synthesizer patches, a sound-producing circuit
A device that brings the output of the media engine into the real world via Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Examples: Loudspeakers, Transducers, Video Projectors, Lighting Systems, Motors
Interaction Discussion
Humans who perceive and alter the system (performers, users) are part of the interactive network
Uni-directional interaction is not interaction at all; interaction must at least be a static loop (e.g. execution-evaluation cycle)
The definition of the interaction (how elements in the system interact) may be static or dynamic
Dynamism may come from:
Feedforward (e.g. input altering parameters of the media engine (responsiveness to input));
Feedback (e.g. output altering the design of the mapping schema (responsiveness to output))
Composing the transparency or perspicuity of interaction design/dynamism ("how does that work?") can be very compelling
The process of designing interaction may be:
Top-down (starting with a desired result and defining the input, mapping schema, and media engine according)
Middle-out (combining/collaging previously-defined interactive systems into a new interaction)
Bottom-up (experimenting with inputs, mapping schemas, and sound/video to ultimately define an interaction)
Interaction design pitfalls:
Lack of robustness, repeatability (e.g. event triggers only when microphone is set just right)
Interaction not legible (too complex, e.g. an audience is unable to perceive causal relationships between input and output in the interaction)
Interaction it too one-to-one ("mickey-mousing", e.g. an audience becomes bored by a static, simple relationship)
Artists/Technologists/Friends Doing Interesting Things in This Field
Instrument Designers/Performers: Atau Tanaka, Laetitia Sonami, Fang Wan, Akiko Hatakeyama, Jon Bellona, Matthew Burtner, Nicholas Collins
Interactive Electronics + Acoustic Instruments: Pierre Boulez (Repons), Kaija Saariaho, Natasha Barrett, Eric Lyon, Christopher Biggs, Elainie Lillios
Media Designers/Dance: Golan Levin, Kyle McDonald, Mario Klingemann, Chunky Move, Recoil Performance Group
More Tools
Jitter Computer Vision (cv.jit) - Max tools for intelligent video processing/feature extraction
Zsa.descriptors - Max tools for real-time advanced sound analysis and description
Max for Live - embeds Max within Ableton Live (Digital Audio Workstation)
Wekinator - easy to use software for real-time, interactive machine learning (mapping)
Processing - programming language for making visuals and learning how to code (check out my introduction HERE)
SuperCollider - programming language for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition
Gibber - creative coding environment for audiovisual performance and composition (runs in browser)